Jens K. Perret

Personal Data
Day of Birth

21. October 1979

Place of Birth

Velbert, Germany


Erich Perret
Inge Perret, born Eisner


Yvonne Perret

Civilian Service
Bachelor of Science in Business Mathematics

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business Mathematics (Grade: 2,6)
Topic of the Bachelor Projectseminar: „Ein Enumerationsalgorithmus zur Lösung gemischt – ganzzahliger linearer Optimierungsprobleme“

Master of Science in Business Mathematics

Degree: Master of Science in Business Mathematics (Grade: 1,2)
Emphasis on Operations Research
Topic of the Master Thesis: Modifikationen zu einem global konvergenten SQP-Verfahren (Grade: 1,3)

Diploma in Economics

Degree: Diplom Ökonom (Grade: 1,6)
Emphasis on Business Informatics
Topic of the Diploma Thesis: Modelle und Verfahren zur Reihenfolgesteuerung von Fließbändern in einer Just-in-Time Fertigung (Grade: 1,3)

Magister Artium

(No Degree)
– General Linguistics
– Theology (Catholic)
– Philosophy
– Psychology

Teaching Education

(No Degree)
– Electrical Engineering
– Physics
– Chemistry

Doctoral Studies

(No Degree)
Focus: Operations Research
Topic of the Thesis: Just-in-Time-Production in a Mass Customization Environment

Doctoral Studies

Degree: Doctor rerum oeconomiae (Philosophiae doctor in economics) (Grade: Summa Cum Laude)
Focus: Economics
Topic of the Thesis: Knowledge as a Driver of Regional Growth in the Russian Federation

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

(No Degree)
Focus: Electrical Engineering

Work Experience
Assistent Digital Design and Presentation
Assistent Digital Design and Presentation
Tutor in Mathematics for Economics Students
Student Research Assistent
Graduate Research Assistent
Research Assistent (Ph. D. Student)
Research Assistent (Post Doc.)
Universitarian self-administration
Representative in Search Committee

For the chair of „Quantitative Methods“ at the Campus Frankfurt

Representative in Search Committee

For the chair of „Quantitative Methods“ at the Campus Munich

Representative in Search Committee

For the chair of „Quantitative Methods“ at the Campus Dortmund

Conceptualization of Online/Digital Teaching Offers
Representative in Search Committee

For the chair of „Quantitative Methods“ at the Campus Dortmund

Representative at the Accrediting Committee

For the study program „International Management“ (Distance Learning)

Representative in Search Committee

For the chair of „Quantitative Methods“ at the Campus Frankfurt

Representative in Search Committee

For the chair of „Mathematics and Statistics in Distance Learning“ at the Campus Stuttgart

Kulturbotschafer (Employer Branding)
Elected Member of the University Senate
Local Spokesperson Sustainability
Coordinator Tutorials Mathematics and Statistics
Member of the Students‘ Council

Faculty of Mathematics

Student Representative in Library Committee
Student Representative in Search Committee

For the chair of „Business IT and Operations Research“ in the Faculty of Economics

Student Representative in Search Committee

For the chair of „Operations Research“ in the Faculty of Mathematics

Student Representative in Accrediting Committee

For the studies programme „Master of Arts in Education“

Representative in Search Committee

For the chair of „Business Administration especially Logistics and Production“ at the Faculty of Economics

Representative in Search Committee

For the chair of „International Economics and Regional Economics“ at the Faculty of Economics

Representative in Examination Committee

For the studies program „European Studies/Europäistik“

Language Skills

Mother Tongue


Spoken and written fluently (C2)


Intermediate (B1)


Basic Skills (A1)


Advanced (B2)


Basic Skills (A1)


Basic Skills (A1.2)


Basic Skills (A2.1)

Software Skills
Office Software

Microsoft Office:
– Word (Advanced Skills)
– Excel (Professional Skills)
– PowerPoint (Advanced Skills)
– Access (Intermediate Skills)
– Outlook (Intermediate Skills)

Statistical Software

SPSS (Advanced Skills)
Stata (Intermediate Skills)
Gretl (Intermediate Skills)
E-Views (Basic Skills)
Gephi (Advanced Skills)

Programming Languages

C++ (Basic Skills)
Java (Basic Skills)
VBA (Advanced Skills)

Layout Languages

HTML (Intermediate Skills)
LaTex (Intermediate Skills)

Content Management Systems

Typo3 (Frontend: Intermediate Skills)
Wordpress (Front- and Backend: Basic Skills)
Moodle (Frontend: Intermediate Skills)

Image Processing

Adobe Photoshop (Intermediate Skills)

Additional Skills
Teaching Certificate

„Professionelle Lehrkompetenz für die Hochschule“

Intercultural Competence Certificates

Encompassing the countries: Austria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA as well as the Arabic Countries

Charisma and Leadership Certificate
Drivers Licence

Classes: B, BE, C1, C1E

Fitness Trainer Licence

C Level

TV Series and Movies

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